Cedar Point Open For 2011 Video | New Rides and New Attractions

You know it's summer when that magical day arrives - the opening day at the amusement park in Ohio Cedar Point in Sandusky. This year's event was held May 14 and that the gathering of world leaders blade circulation are only an hour from most MidOhio Galionites particular, we thought to highlight some of the new attractions that Visitors can experience there this summer.

Without doubt, the exit of the park with the biggest buzz locally Windseeker, story 30, 301-meter high swing imposing tower that will send the runners in the 2 cars beyond the beach at Cedar Point. From this point of view, a spectacular view over the park and surrounding areas must be considered. Late spring rains have somewhat delayed the completion of the tour, but he is expected to debut over the next 30 days. Riders must be 52 inches tall swaying in Windseeker.

Windseeker a video is included below.

Some changes have been to Cedar Point are not as important as an important new step. Significant improvements were made, such as the Millennium Force, like a roller coaster, including new paint and seat belts, which are 2 "longer than the previous year. Shoot the Rapids water ride has been improved to make it faster and easier . In addition, candy vending machines are installed throughout the park, which is to take debit cards.

From a culinary point of view, the biggest change this year, Cedar Point is the arrival of Pink, a gourmet hot dog stand in Hollywood began in 1939. In fact, it will be a restaurant in Las Vegas is the first Pink.

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